Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich 555 "Komplexe Nichtlineare Prozesse"

Fourth International Symposium
Engineering of Chemical Complexity
Berlin, June 7-9, 2006

Program and Organization: G. Ertl, A. S. Mikhailov, H. H. Rotermund

The aim of this meeting is to review current perspectives for design, manipulation and efficient control of self-organizing complex chemical systems, ranging from biotechnology and reactive nanostructures to macroscopic pattern formation in chemical reactors. Both experimental studies of such phenomena and their mathematical modeling will be discussed. Possible technological applications of self-organization phenomena shall be considered.

Invited Speakers

I. A. Aksay (Princeton, USA)
M. Bär (Berlin, Germany)
E. Bodenschatz(Göttingen, Germany)
M. Bonn (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
P. De Kepper (Bordeaux, France)
A. De Wit (Brussels, Belgium)
H. Engel (Berlin, Germany)
I. R. Epstein (Waltham, USA)
M. Falcke (Berlin, Germany)
B. Fiedler (Berlin, Germany)
J. L. Hudson (Charlottesville, USA)
R. Imbihl (Hannover, Germany)
R. Ismagilov (Chicago, USA)
R. E. Kapral (Toronto, Canada)
I. G. Kevrekidis (Princeton, USA)
H. Kitahata (Kyoto, Japan)
K. Krischer (München, Germany)
Y. Kuramoto (Sapporo, Japan)
J. Lauterbach (Newark, USA)
D. Luss (Houston, USA)
M. Marek (Prague, Czech Republic)
Y. Nishiura (Sapporo, Japan)
F. Sagués (Barcelona, Spain)
K. Showalter (Morgantown, USA)
O. Steinbock (Tallahassee, USA)
U. Steiner (Cambridge, UK)
Q. Tran-Cong (Kyoto, Japan)
H. Yokoyama (Tsukuba, Japan)
Address: Harnack-Haus, Ihnestr. 16-20,
14195 Berlin-Dahlem (subway station U3 "Thielplatz")

Information: Frau M. Reimers, phone: +49 (0) 30 8413 5102

Download the poster as pdf-file (ca. 177kB).

Group picture (June 9, 2006):

group picture (June 9, 2006, first photo)
large (JPEG, 827kB)

group picture (June 9, 2006, second photo)
large (JPEG, 815kB)

group picture (June 9, 2006, third photo)
large (JPEG, 666kB)


Download a printer-friendly version of the program (PDF, ca. 83kB).

6 June, Tuesday

16:00 – 20:00   Arrival and registration

7 June, Wednesday

8:45 Opening: G. Ertl

Session chair: P. De Kepper

9:00 R. Kapral (Toronto, Canada)
Geometrical effects on spiral defect dynamics

9:35 Y. Kuramoto (Sapporo, Japan)
Noise-induced chemical turbulence

10:10 J. L. Hudson (Virginia University, USA)
Dynamical order and complexity in populations of electrochemical oscillators

10:45 – 11:15  Coffee Break

Session chair: R. Kapral

11:15 I. R. Epstein (Waltham, USA)
Localized structures in reaction-diffusion systems

11:50 H. Kitahata (Kyoto, Japan)
Spontaneous motion of a droplet driven by chemical potential or photon flux

12:25 – 14:00  Lunch

Session chair: N. Jaeger

14:00 P. De Kepper (Bordeaux, France)
The Landolt reaction: Stationary and oscillating fronts in an open spatial reactor with conical geometry

14:35 A. De Wit (Brussels, Belgium)
Hydrodynamic instability of autocatalytic reaction fronts

15:10 O. Steinbock (Tallahassee, USA)
Three-dimensional wave structures in excitable media

15:45 – 16:15  Coffee break

Session chair: M. Marek

16:15 K. Showalter (Morgantown, USA)
Collective behavior in addressable excitable media

16:50 H. Engel (Berlin, Germany)
Feedback-controlled motion of a spiral wave core along a desired trajectory in an excitable medium

8 June, Thursday

Session chair: K. Showalter

9:00 M. Bär (Berlin, Germany)
Effective models and homogenization in reaction-diffusion processes: from tunable pattern formation to realistic heart modeling

9:35 U. Steiner (Cambridge, UK)
Structure formation in organic-inorganic hybrid materials

10:10 Y. Yokoyama (Tsukuba, Japan)
Morphology and dynamics of microscopic bubbles in liquid crystals

10:45 – 11:15  Coffee Break

Session chair: Y. Kevrekidis

11:15 E. Bodenschatz (Göttingen, Germany)
Spatially forced patterns and hexaroll chaos

11:50 R. Ismagilov (Chicago, USA)
Using microfluidics and modular mechanism to understand spatiotemporal dynamics of complex reaction networks

12:25 – 14:00  Lunch

Session chair: Y. Nishiura

14:00 Q. Tran-Cong (Kyoto, Japan)
Reaction-induced hierarchical structures in multiphase polymer materials

14:35 F. Sagués (Barcelona, Spain)
Langmuir monolayers: textures, flows and dynamic patterns

15:10 M. Bonn (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Site-dependent surface reactivity investigated using nanostructured surfaces

15:45 – 16:15  Coffee Break

Session chair: J. Hudson

16:15 R. Imbihl (Hannover, Germany)
Pulses transporting potassium on a Rh(110) surface

16:50 D. Luss (Houston, USA)
What causes temperature oscillations during CO oxidation in packed bed reactors

17:25 J. Lauterbach (Newark, USA)
Local microdosing as means to control a nonlinear surface reaction

19:00  Concert by

 Bastian Schäfer (Berliner Philharmoniker, First Violinist)
 Matthew Hunter (Berliner Philharmoniker, Violist)
 1. Georg Friedrich Händel, Chaconne in G Major
 2. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Duo KV 423, for Violin and Viola

(the concert takes place in the Ballsaal)

19:30 Dinner

9 June, Friday

Session chair: E. Bodenschatz

9:00 Y. Nishiura (Sapporo, Japan)
Entropy and sensitivity of particle patterns in dissipative systems

Though typically observed at many stages in biological systems, self-organization is ubiquitous in nature over wide range of spectrum in space and in time. Traditional knowledge defines it as an organizing process of matter without human manipulation. However, self-organization is no longer limited to the issue of pure science, but of engineering also. Definitely, this trend was triggered when the self-assembly of tailor-made molecules was highlighted as one of promising technologies in so-called bottom-up nanotechnology. On the other hand, researchers' interests have been focused on a novel approach for self-organization of hierarchy, where new initial and boundary conditions emerge in the course of non-equilibrium processes in an open system. In this talk, we discuss two things: first we present our numerical results on the self-organization process of 2-dimensional patterns composed of many spatially localized dots and lines. We deal with the reversible version of the Gray-Scott model that generates both the Turing structures and chaotic patterns. The model enables us to calculate the important quantity of modern thermodynamics, the rate of entropy production, in the course of hierarchic pattern formation in the reaction-diffusion system. Results are discussed on the entropy production rate in the motion of components (dots or lines), dynamics of the entire system, and pattern selection in the system. Second we discuss how the moving spot behaves when there occurs heterogeneity in its environments, namely when the distribution of some kinetic coefficients or diffusivities depend on the space. It turns out that spots are very sensitive to the tiny change of environments and show a variety of dynamics depending on special profiles of environments. The first part of my talk is a joint work with H. Mahara, T. Yamaguchi, and M. Shimomura.

[close abstract] [go to the top of the page]

9:35 B. Fiedler (Berlin, Germany)
Kinematics of forced meandering and drifting spirals

10:10 Y. Kevrekidis (Princeton, USA)
Some examples of coarse-grained computation in complex systems

10:45 – 11:15  Coffee Break

Session chair: G. Ertl

11:15 M. Marek (Prague, Czech Republic)
Nonlinear dynamics of forced catalytic mufflers

11:50 K. Krischer (München, Germany)
Instabilities and pattern formation during electro-oxidation of H2-CO mixtures in a fuel cell relevant system

12:25 M. Falcke (Berlin, Germany)
By chance or by the clock: How does intracellular calcium oscillate?

13:00 Y. Kuramoto (Sapporo, Japan)
Early days of the research on coupled oscillators

13:30 Closing

List of Posters

Posters will be presented in the Ballsaal

  1. Sergio Alonso, Francesc Sagués¹, Alexander S. Mikhailov (Berlin, Germany, ¹Barcelona, Spain)
    Negative-tension instability of scroll waves in the Oregonator model